Movement specialist


Call: (509) 679.4977

Nick Hannah Movement Specialist

My Mission

I am both a movement expert as well as a movement disorder expert. I thrive on helping people. Nobody will come close to what I can accomplish when my methodologies* are consistently practiced and applied.

My Promise:

  • To evaluate each client individually & assess their goals to create a personalized program toward better health.
  • To implement strategies applicable to every movement that will ultimately reduce pain & limit risk of injury.
  • To optimize movement efficiency that will  produce long-term, life-changing results.

My Programs

Body in Balance

Who Beneifts:

  • Busy parents
  • Working professionals
  • Men and Women
  • Adults and Seniors
  • Former Athletes


(Balance, Athleticism, Leadership, Life skills, Explosiveness, Recovery, Strength)

Who Benefits:

  • High School, College, Professional and Tactical Athletes
  • Male or Female
  • All Disciplines
  • All Ages
  • Entrepreneurs / Leaders


Gain Control

Who Benefits:

  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Stroke Recovery
  • ALS
  • Fragile X
  • PSP
  • Mental / Physical Disabilities



(Range of Motion Enhancement)

Who Benefits:

  • All ages (12 and older)
  • Male or Female
  • Chronic pain sufferers
  • Busy, overloaded or stressed individuals
  • Anyone looking to avoid surgery


*While evaluating the services offered, please keep in mind no two sessions will be the same as each session is fully customized. In addition, no two clients are the same, therefore, certain aspects of one service can be added into another program. In other words, these templates are for describing who can benefit and what the services offer. For specific cases, please communicate your needs directly with Nick.

About Me

Nick Hannah is a former professional football player who has played in the NFL, CFL, and in Europe.  Through his professional career and with extensive exercise, fitness, reflexology, and Parkinson’s Wellness education Nick has a unique understanding of the human body, its limits, and how to make it work for you.  Nicks training methods have help everyone from youth looking for a competitive edge, to allowing patients struggling with Parkinsons Disease regain the use of their bodies they thought had been lost.



“The movement strategies Nick has taught me have been very effective to combat the physical hurdles Parkinson’s disease has presents. My balance has improved as well as my golf game!”

John B, MD

“Nick is the ultimate encourager. His smile and affirming words keep everyone at their best during our Parkinson’s wellness & recovery circuits!”

Marilyn W

“Nick Hannah’s PRO program has had a tremendous impact, improving Tom’s posture and ability to move again. The combination of Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease make exercise challenging. Nick’s ability to engage and motivate are impressive.”

Pat D, Tom’s wife

“Nick’s unflagging enthusiasm and ability to teach and improve movement patterns and mobility have been game changers in my fight back against Parkinson’s disease through exercise.”

Dr. Mike Henderson, MD